Bahasa Melayu

How to Get the Best Protection During Severe Weather

Baca Lebih Lanjut

Preparing ahead of time is a great way to protect your life and the lives of others. Here is a safety tip if you are forced to face extreme windy weather conditions such as during a tornado, cyclone or typhoon. For the best protection during severe weather, take shelter in enclosed, underground shelters, basements, or a safe room above ground designed to withstand tornadic forces. Recent research indicates that closing your home’s garage door and all interior doors can help mitigate high winds by compartmentalizing them. This practice is advised during thunderstorms and tornadoes by the insurance institutes. 

If you are caught on the road during a storm, try to find a building for shelter. If no shelter is available, stay away from trees, powerlines, and towers, while looking for a solid structure to park next to on the downwind side if possible. 

Weather radios are essential devices for every home and business in high-risk areas, as they receive emergency alerts and can sound an alarm when needed.