In today’s show, we focus on the ultimate spiritual liberation and the four causes leading to it, as explained in the “Uttaradhyayana,” Lecture 28.“Right knowledge, faith, conduct, and austerities; beings who follow this road, will obtain beatitude.”“1. soul; 2. the inanimate things; 3. the binding of the soul by Karman; 4. merit; 5. demerit; 6. âsrava, that which causes the soul to be affected by sins; 7. the prevention of âsrava by watchfulness; 8. the annihilation of Karman; and 9. final deliverance: these are the nine truths (or categories). He who verily believes the true teaching of the (above nine) fundamental truths, possesses righteousness.”“There is no (right) conduct without right belief, and it must be cultivated (for obtaining) right faith; righteousness and conduct originate together, or righteousness precedes (conduct). Without (right) faith there is no (right) knowledge, without (right) knowledge there is no virtuous conduct, without virtues there is no deliverance, and without deliverance there is no perfection.”“Conduct, which produces the destruction of all Karman, is 1. the avoidance of everything sinful; 2. the initiation of a novice; 3. purity produced by peculiar austerities; 4. reduction of desire; and 5. annihilation of sinfulness according to the precepts of the Arhats, as well in the case of a Khadmastha as of a Gina [spiritual teacher].”“Austerities are twofold: external and internal; both external and internal austerities are sixfold. By knowledge one knows things, by faith one believes in them, by conduct one gets (freedom from Karman), and by austerities one reaches purity. Having by control and austerities destroyed their Karman, great sages, whose purpose is to get rid of all misery, proceed to (perfection). Thus I say.”