
Reverend Father Robert Culat (vegetarian) – Voice of Awakening for the Animals, Part 4 of 4

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In today episode, Father Robert Culat shares more verses from the “Laudato Si’” and the Bible that are quoted in his book, Biblical Meditations on Animals, that distinctly direct humanity to be vegan and to live in harmony with our animal friends.

“The Pope's vision is that man is the priest of the universe and that he has a unique role in particular to the animals, to do the will of God. So you see, ‘through us towards a common point of arrival, which is God, in that transcendent fullness where the risen Christ embraces and illuminates all things.’ There you see how Pope Francis takes up Paul, ‘Human beings, endowed with intelligence and love, and drawn by the fullness of Christ, are called to lead all creatures to their Creator.’”

“But it happens that the verse that follows is the verse in which God gives man and the woman the vegan diet, we have been talking about. So if we put it all together we understand that this domination of man over other creatures cannot be a violent domination, arbitrary, despotic, bad.”

“What is said: ‘let us make man and woman in our image, after our likeness.’ So if I sum up, man and woman are kings of creation, but in the instructions given from their kingship, God does not say, ‘you are kings as you want, do what you want,’ it is not like that at all.”

“And the Book of Psalms, which is marvelous from this point of view, gives us the instructions of human royalty on creatures and animals. So what does it mean, if God is good to animals, if He is interested in them, if He loves them, if He is a father to them, if man represents God on Earth, he will have to act in the same way, it's logical.”

“He sees a universal reconciliation between animals, already, so there will be no more violence between animals, the lion will no longer kill the gazelle for food, but in the same way, there will be no more violence between animals and humans. Isaiah makes us contemplate a reconciled world.”
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