
Buddhistische Geschichten: Welche Verdienste wir durch Nächstenliebe und Einhaltung der fünf Gebote erlangen & Brahma bittet um den Dharma, Teil 6 von 10 03. August 2015

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"If being born, then will die." What a truth for 1,000 holes in the body. And then after the king heard already, he told them to copy and then give to people and he asked his subordinate to light the lamp on his body. When the flames came up very high all over his body, his face was still very pacified. He didn’t complain. He just was as normal. He didn’t change his attitude or appearance. And then he vowed, he said in front of everyone, “I have suffered like this for the Truth, to request the Truth. I vow to use this merit for the Buddhahood. After I become a Buddha, I will use this bright wisdom to destroy all the darkness in this world for all beings to benefit.”
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