
Challenges Train Us to Be More Enduring and Humble (Part 2 of 2) August 4-5, 2013, France

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In the West, they researched and found that farmer couples are the happiest couples. Because the farmers can enjoy the fresh air. The outside air is always fresh. And also the sun. You know already. Blessings. “Yellow skin” becomes “lead skin” (sounds like “blessings”)! The sun has tremendous blessing power. You know already. 
Farming is very good already. Building houses also gains a lot of merit. Those are meritorious professions. It means we protect other people. Farmers have a lot of merits. People who build houses also have merits. People who weave cloth, sell cloth, make clothes, all have merits. These are good professions. It is part of Buddhism’s Eightfold Path. It means those professions are ethical, commendable, meritorious; they bring us prosperity and also blessings, not just earning us money. 
The Bible also said that, coming down here, we should be farmers. The Bible said it very clearly. We grow our own food. I think there is a group which also belongs to Christianity. They’re called the Amish. They are all farmers. They live in their own community. They plow their land and grow their own food to eat. They don’t go elsewhere to do any other jobs. They stay together in a group, work in the field as farmers together. Their children also follow the same profession. Coming down here working like that, they are very happy and harmonious. 
Therefore, if you go home and feel tired of the dusty city, then buy a small piece of land somewhere. Then you do farming. Husband and wife can grow enough food to eat. Farmers are never short of food. Only the consumers are afraid of not having food. So, sometimes, it is just our own conception. If we think it’s suffering, then we suffer. If we think it’s not suffering, then we don’t suffer. (Yes.) 
I also respect the laborers very much. I told you already. Sometimes, I run after the garbage collectors to give them (vegan) cookies, gifts, and money. On the Lunar New Year, I give them money, red envelopes. On regular days, I give them (vegan) cookies. And those who come to work, to repair the house, to repair the cave for me, I cook for them kindly. I bake (vegan) cakes for them. I bring tea to them. I show them I truly love and respect them. Because without them, we would have no house to live in, no rice to eat, no clothes to wear… The streets would be full of garbage, for example. And if there were no auto mechanics, we’d be walking every time. The laborers, with dirty feet, muddy hands, and dripping sweat, are the backbones of the nation, and of the world. So you should respect them.
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