
Munchies: Loving Vegan Fast Food, Part 2 of 2

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Today we are bringing you back to Munchies to meet with Ms. Evita Ramparte, the Development Advisor of Munchies. “And years ago, I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. I was much, much bigger then, and sick, pimpled, in pain, unattractive and so on. And once I fasted and went on a vegan path of life, I healed pretty fast. In 4 months, I lost 83 pounds, and I became a model a few months later, and I became a vegan activist, promoting health and alternative healing for the world. So, Munchies is meeting people where they are with compassion, with understanding. We need to create food for children. And get that generation back into a plant-based lifestyle.” Mr. Raul Paiste elaborated more about his plant-based journey and what it has brought him in terms of spirituality. “I basically started meditating and I realized at some point that we are all, actually not just connected, but we are actually one. So, if I harm you, I harm myself, and I harm everyone else by that.” Not only does veganism bring about a spiritual awakening, but it can also stop the global climate crisis, thus saving our planet and humanity.
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All Parts (2/2)
Veganism: The Noble Way of Living
Veganism: The Noble Way of Living