
Del Texto Sagrado del Budismo Tibetano: Los Cien Mil Cantos de Milarepa – ‘El Canto de la Realización’ y ‘La Iluminación de Rechungpa’, Parte 2 de 2

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Now there are three ways in which one may please one’s Guru: first, the disciple should employ his faith and intelligence to gratify his Guru; then, through unmistakable learning and contemplation, he should enter the gate of Mahayana and Vajrayana, and practice them diligently with great determination; then finally, he can please his Guru with his real experiences of Enlightenment, which are produced step by step through his devotion. I do not like the disciple who talks much; the actual practice is far more important. Until the full Realization of Truth is gained, he should shut his mouth and work at his meditation.