
Su Santidad el Gran Je Tsongkhapa: Revitalizando el Budismo Tibetano, Parte 1 de 2

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With enlightened wisdom and benevolence, He rose above the sectarian differences of His time and developed Kadampa Buddhism and its Mahayana principles of universal compassion. Lama Tsongkhapa’s very birth was filled with miracles, and indicated that He wax a manifestation of the Worshipped Manjushri Bodhisattva, God of Transcendent Wisdom. And (He) was able to understand them with ease. When Lama Tsongkhapa was 33 years old, He met Lama Umapa. Together, they went on spiritual retreats. Lama Tsongkhapa’s reputation continued to grow and His teachings were sought after by many, but He maintained a humble life solely devotion to God.
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La vida de un Santo
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La vida de un Santo
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