
El sutra surangama: las cuatro instrucciones claras e inalterables sobre la pureza (Conclusión) y El establecimiento de un lugar para despertar, parte 4 de 8. 24 diciembre, 2018

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The teachings and the lineage of the spiritual power of any Master, it’s like a river. Sometimes, it’s hidden under the earth somewhere, and you think this is the end of the river. No, no, it will seep out somewhere and then appear again; so it is like that. Any of the religious people should look where the river reappears, and do not be attached to a location of the original river, because in all ages, all religious branches, there will always be a Master somewhere. It may not be in the same lineage, not be in the same religious order, but there will be a Master for the world, for our world.
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