
Wake-Up Call for World Leaders to Eliminate War in Ukraine (Ureign), Part 1 of 3

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I’m trying to eliminate as many demons as possible by making peace with them, if they do want. Or, like, defeat them, or corner them somewhere. Still, the karma of humans is the biggest ever hurdle in my work. Although I have the support of all Heavens, Saints and Sages, and all the spiritual and vegan people, the karma of humans has accumulated for so long, so long, so long – so long we cannot remember. […] I just hope that you really realize that saving the animal-people from death and agonizing torture daily is to save your soul and your relatives, your friends – all your loved ones.

I did not really want to talk about this – about the people in the war, especially the aggressor of the war – because of the karma involved, which is definitely not good for me. But I cannot tell my heart not to. You see... This is for the people who love Mr. Prigozhin, if I pronounce the name correctly, the Wagner chief of mercenaries for the war in Ukraine (Ureign). You see, I feel sorry for him, for his soul, because he wasn’t really a bad person. He doesn’t have a truly bad heart. But he was pushed into the position to work for Putin and the influence of the demon, and his position of work forced him to do what he did for the Kremlin. Anyway, so this is what it is.

I want to tell you something. You – the relatives, friends, fans, and supporters of Mr. Prigozhin, listen well. In the world after our world, after you die, anyone dies, mostly anyone, even the worst criminals, do have some justice measured out for them. Just say for Mr. Prigozhin – because there’s a little spark of good in him, he will have 49 days after his death to be put in a special unit. While still on Earth, he did some quiet charity and some other good deeds...

“Media Report from Ria Novosti – Jan. 5, 2023, Yevgeny Prigozhin: Don’t drink too much, don’t use drugs, don’t rape women, don’t get into trouble. And don’t rob, don’t steal.”

“Media Report from Ria The New York Times – July 2, 2023, Yevgeny Prigozhin: Let’s stop these endless stories about how Ukrainians are [Expletive] cowards and how they scatter. They do not scatter; they fight and they [Expletive] stand their ground to the death and behave with dignity.

The war wasn’t needed to return Russian citizens to the womb or to demilitarize or de-Nazify Ukraine.”

“Media Report from South China Morning Post– Aug. 24, 2023, Yevgeny Prigozhin: Our decision to turn around was based on two important factors. The first fact is that we did not want to shed Russian blood. The second factor is that we were registering our protest and not seeking to overthrow the government of the country.”

It’s not freedom and a lovely mansion or paradise; it’s in hell still, but he’s not punished or judged – yet. Mainly because there are many people who are awaiting trial for different reasons. So, he is still in the state of so-called limbo, waiting for trial. He still has 43 more days until he really gets the verdict from the court in the netherworld. Forty-nine days is for any complaint, any appeal, or any prayers for that particular person who just left the physical world. Any person has 49 days of chances to better his/her lot.

Forty-nine days is only for those who have no merit or are deemed to be fit in hell. The people with great merit, a virtuous lifestyle while they were still living, or they have a Master, will go to Heaven. Those who have a Master, the Master will come and get them at the time of their departure. If you have a Master, then He will come to get you at the time of departure. And you will go with Him to whatever level you earned on Earth or/and, of course, it depends on what level your Master has attained.

You should find a Master. Please check out if they’re worthy of your trust first. In India, it’s tradition that you should have a Master. Anyone who doesn’t have a Master, other people tend to look down upon them. The Master is One who has enough power to liberate you from the circle of life and death forever, and gives you the proof of Their Power at the time of acceptance. So, you study well before you pick out one for yourself. My best of luck wishes to all of you for your peace, happiness, and liberation. May God bless you so.

Now, if all of you really like him (Mr. Prigozhin), love him, or feel sorry for him, please pray for him.

“Media Report from Channel 4 News – Aug. 25, 2023, Reporter: Who knew Wagner mercenaries had a heart? But the deaths of Yevgeny Prigozhin and his comrade Dmitry Utkin have cut them deep. They laid red carnations outside the Wagner headquarters in Saint Petersburg, where Prigozhin grew up.

Soldier: It feels like losing a father. He was everything to us. We were always waiting for a word from him, our ‘Uncle Genya.’”

Within 49 days, if you find good people, or you find goodness and love in your heart to pray for anybody who you know – that person will be helped. Maybe not a lot because of his bad karma, but it helps somehow. Well, you can try and hope. With God’s Grace, who knows? At least he will not be punished so severely. If he will be punished by the verdict, then he will be chased day and night, every nanosecond of his life in hell, by people who shoot him, who stab him, who cut his limbs and all that, everywhere he goes. He doesn’t have to be in one place. He can run forever, but he can never hide. And the people whom he has been involved in killing, maiming or hurting in any way, will have the right to chase him and punish him forever like that.

I did not want to talk about this, but I tossed and turned and I don’t have the heart to just keep quiet. So please, do what you can to pray for him, help him. Put some of his possessions, or all of his possessions, into charitable work to help others – especially the victims of the war. Then maybe that will balance out a little bit of what he has done. Even though his heart did not want to kill people, he had to because of the influence of Putin’s and the Kremlin’s demons, big demons. And also because of his position. They asked him for something and he was just maybe too clever and he knew how to make a strategy for them. So they kept pushing him to give more and more advice. That’s how the war kept getting bigger and bigger. And he devoted himself to his boss, for whatever cause for his country.

But he died tragically, horribly, from the betrayal of the one that he trusted. So this is a terrible, terrible thing that happened to somebody who was just being loyal and devoted to his boss and his country. In a way, his tragic death should be a wake-up call to all of the Russian military leaders and their soldiers because he’s not the only one that died like that. The Kremlin has killed numerous of them already. Some you know, some you don’t. So many generals died mysteriously. So many rich persons who have helped contribute to the Kremlin and Russia have died mysteriously, and this will continue as long as the Kremlin still has some power. How many beautiful, handsome young men and young women already died in Ukraine (Ureign) for a cause that they did not really want to support? How many people have been jailed already in Russia because of protesting the war?

It’s not that the whole world protests the war in Ukraine (Ureign), protests the unjustified Russian war in Ukraine (Ureign), but the Russian people themselves also know that it’s not good at all. Either they fled, they protested, or they are jailed; or they are poisoned, or they are killed, or they are pushed off many-story buildings, or even died just in the sea falling from a boat, or from an airplane, or from a hotel room, or from anywhere at all. Even in their gym. So now, I don’t know how the Kremlin has still such a grip on the people of Russia – due to an iron fist policy or something, or also the force of demons, of maya.

Now we have less and less already, but still, there are some powerful enemies of Heavens and of the people here on the planet, still existing in human form. That is a big hurdle for any of us who want to create peace and a vegan paradise on the planet to help us to live in harmony, happiness, guilt-free, a happy conscience and contented lives with everything we need that God has provided since the time that we know. It is also a big hurdle for me and my peace troops. I have many peace troops, not just one. One of them is executed by some of my senior disciples, and many more are in different categories and different functions, either created or already existing.

It’s a big hurdle for me that humans have not cooperated in creating a vegan paradise world for all to live in. The killing karma of animal-people – millions, millions even every hour – is a big, big obstacle for me and my peace troops. But what more can I do? What can I do in a world where a good leader such as President Trump is still persecuted in lengthy legal court cases for anything at all; from false accusations to whatever can be fabricated or imagined, etc… to hurt the man, to hinder him in the political arena… Just to trample upon a good person, to grab more power for themselves…

I keep telling everyone. Doesn’t look like many listen. I’m very sad, very sad. I did not want to interfere anymore. But my heart just cannot bear it. I just don’t have the heart to ignore your plight and the plight of the suffering, in an agonizing situation, like the animal-people and the forest trees. Some are so ancient and so beneficial to our world, and are still being killed, cut down, murdered, or tortured every day – all of the beings on this planet. It’s like cutting my heart. I’m just doing my best and praying for all of you that you will wake up.

I’m trying to eliminate as many demons as possible by making peace with them, if they do want. Or, like, defeat them, or corner them somewhere. Still, the karma of humans is the biggest ever hurdle in my work. Although I have the support of all Heavens, Saints and Sages, and all the spiritual and vegan people, the karma of humans has accumulated for so long, so long, so long – so long we cannot remember. And this is a big, big, big mountain to climb. I just hope that you really realize that saving the animal-people from death and agonizing torture daily is to save your soul and your relatives, your friends – all your loved ones.

I just hope that somehow God will grace you to realize that, and you should stop eating that – that bloody flesh of another living being. You cannot take a life to keep your life. As you sow, so shall you reap. Even if you have had enough merits from past lives or for doing some charitable work, the debt, the blood debt, you still must pay. Maybe less or more according to your merit as well, of course. But pay, you must – either now, or in the hereafter life. Nothing escapes from the Justice of the Universe, of the lower Universe. Only if you can lift yourself up above the lower Universe – like the disciples of Masters in the past and present – then you will be free. After you leave this world, you will be free forever.

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