In today’s news, Nepal’s economy boosted by contribution from Germany, plastic bag bans in United States save 6 billion bags a year, Cape Verde declared free from malaria, researchers led by University of Texas at Austin, USA, develop highly effective water filter, three boys trapped in cave saved by Australian teenage lifeguard, major Japanese food manufacturer to introduce plant-based tuna sashimi to domestic eateries, and six-legged puppy in United Kingdom has begun a new life after surgery.
Be beautiful on the inside with peace in your heart. Be beautiful on the outside with beautiful hair! Here is a hair care tip to help you. Rosehip oil, cherished since ancient times for its skin-nourishing and anti-aging properties, is now gaining popularity in haircare. This oil is effective against scalp inflammation, boasting higher vitamin C levels than oranges or lemons. Utilizing rosehip oil in your haircare routine can promote growth, thickness, and shine. Popular methods include making a hair mask by massaging a pea-sized amount into the scalp, extending it to the hair tips, and leaving it for up to 30 minutes before rinsing. You can also camouflage split ends by applying a small amount to them and massaging gently. Alternatively, enhance your existing haircare products by adding a few drops of rosehip oil to your shampoo or conditioner and shake well before using.
This seems like an ideal time to put on our chuckle costumes and have some fun with the joke of the day. It’s entitled “Extreme Sports.”
Two avid sportsmen are discussing various sports and which one is the most extreme.
“I think skydiving is probably the riskiest of all. What do you think is the world’s most extreme sport?”
“Well, it happens to be a sport I play.”
“Really! What is it?”
“It’s called daring to disagree with my wife.”
And now we have a heartline from Hanah in Syria:
Dear Master, Since I got initiation on July 7, 2023, I wanted nothing in this life except serving vulnerable beings. I have never felt loneliness since then, and I know how difficult our work is, because not every soul is ready for liberation, even though it may receive some hope or love from the Divine. GOD, YOU ARE OUR INFINITE LOVE & LIGHT. I know every soul will bow respectfully when it knows HOW THE SUPREME MASTER TV TEAM WORKS. MAY YOUR SOUL BE UPLIFTED FOREVER. YOUR MOST SINCERE, HANAH FROM SYRIA
Noble-minded Hanah, The adorable animal-people icons help deliver your hearty message with even more strength!
We are pleased to send you this reply from Master: “Virtuous Hanah, your noble intentions are well-heard by God, Whose immense Grace we all praise and rely on! May peace and compassion be the pillar of strength that always brings you and the tenderhearted people of Syria together. Love you.”