
The Most Important, God-Revealed Cause To Fall Into Hell, Part 5 of 11

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In the Buddhist sutra, the Buddha explained more in detail about who is a Mara and how you recognize it. But many other Masters’ teachings are not as well-preserved as the Buddha’s teachings. Thus, we don’t hear so much detailed explanation as it is in Buddhism. Not because Buddhism is the best or better than any other religions, but all religions belong to God.

And Buddha lived long, not being tortured by others somehow, luckily. Or at that time there were not many other conflicting abusers of religion that came into India where He was at that time in order to usurp Him, to go against Him or to kill Him or torture Him. But there was one, even! Devadatta tried many times to kill the Buddha. But thank God, the Buddha was destined to live long. And so, during all these decades of His life, after enlightenment again, after He became Buddha again, officially, He used all His precious time to teach humans, animal-people, as well as lower-Heaven people, and some also in a higher Heaven level of people, who are in a high Heaven but have not yet reached complete enlightenment.

Just like in Amitabha Buddha’s Land, we heard the Buddha say that there are some in the lower lotus level, and some in the middle lotus level, and some in the higher lotus level. So, some in the lower lotus level still need to continue learning from different Buddhas. Sometimes Amitabha Buddha let other Buddhas come to teach in His Land because some of His residents in His Land, in Amitabha Buddha’s Land, were or have been the disciples of other Buddhas. They came there to take refuge in the Amitabha Buddha’s Land. But other Buddhas Who used to be their Teacher, Master, can also go there and continue teaching them.

For example, one time or many other times, Shakyamuni Buddha went to Tuṣita Heaven to preach to His mother, who was reborn there due to the Buddha’s merit and her own merit. And Buddha also went there to teach many citizens, many indwellers of the Amitabha Buddha’s Land and other Heavenly beings who were meritorious enough to be allowed to go there to listen to Him. You see that, all the Buddhas work together. And don’t ever think Christianity is better than Buddhism, and vice versa, and any other good religions, like Sikhism is the best, or Islam is the best, and go out and slander other Masters, like Lord Jesus, the Buddha, Guru Nanak, for example, or Prophet Muhammad, Peace Be Upon Him – Peace Be Upon all the Masters.

At the time when Guru Nanak Dev Ji was still on Earth, Sikhism was the best. Whoever followed Sikhism at that time was the best, best luck for them, because the Master was still alive. His Power was in full bloom. So, when the Buddha was on Earth, whoever followed the Buddha was the best, and Buddhism at that time was the best. But you must remember, at that time, before the Buddha, there was no Buddhism until Buddha came and they used His name to make a religion. Buddha became the Master, Founder of Buddhism. Guru Nanak Dev Ji became the Master, the Founder of Sikhism. There was no Sikhism before that, or Jainism, or Christianity, for example, because before Christ there was no Christianity. After Christ came, they used His title to make Christianity.

So I’m talking now to the whole public, but I don’t think all the people listen to me, what I said just now. But you, my so-called God-disciples, have to respect all the Masters, all the good religions, as long as They teach good things and no harmful things to anyone on this planet, including the animal-people, nature, the jungle, the forest, the rivers, the oceans, the Earth. We owe our life, our survival to all this, to all the Masters’ Blessing and Power, and to all the power of all the nature that I have just mentioned.

Even animal-people have power to help you, and you know that, through many stories and through my stories that I told you about my dog- and my bird-people. And, of course, above all, all this is due to God’s Power, God’s Grace, God’s Mercy, God’s Love, God’s Greatness for all beings created by Hiers Power, even misused by the lower level of hierarchy. But it’s all from God’s Power. And because of the misuse of power, which created a lower level of consciousness, the created beings do some unholy things. But we will change that if we return to God, to God’s Grace, God’s Love and nothing else.

Originally, I could have gone Home earlier. God granted me that, but I couldn’t. I cannot just forsake humanity and all beings here because I know they are just deep in a poisoned state of mind due to maya’s control and the temptation of the society around them, of everything that makes them fall.

When I was 60 years old, at that time, I could have gone already, and I should have gone, but I didn’t. But at that time, I was really ready to go Home. So when one of your brothers, in one of our celebrations, it was New Year or whatever festival, one of your brothers came up. A God-disciple came up to me and wished me a long life. I was very irritated. I didn’t thank him nicely even. I even kind of dismissed what he was saying. I was very irritated because I was really ready and wanted to go Home. But then afterward, I saw too much suffering still going on, and the maya was torturing people to no end in hell and in this world, by all kinds of disasters. So I had no heart to leave.

And after that, I had another chance to go Home, and God said, “You can.” But then, I also looked around and I could not bear it. So I had to make a ceremony of death, physical death, like burying myself quickly and then return to life again.

But if I can go one more time, and I have to, then I will not hesitate again. So please hurry up, help yourself, and help me to restore this planet. Then I could live even longer, if the planet is more suitable to my magnetic field and energy, and I can help you even more. So if you really want to help me, then help yourself. Get enlightened. Go to the Quan Yin Method because that is the only way you can go directly and quickly. The Buddha said that all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas rely on this (inner Heavenly) Sound stream, meaning the Quan Yin Method, to go down to help beings and to bring them back to Buddha’s Land, to Heaven, also by following this Sound stream. Quan Yin means contemplating the Sound, the inner (Heavenly) Sound, not the outside sound at all. You don’t need ears to hear it, but the Ears should be opened to their full capacity by a competent Master, Who has been coming and going through this Sound stream to help all sentient beings and take them up also through and by this Sound stream with Him or Herself.

Now, we talked about arrogance. People think they go to church or they are priests and have many followers and are respected by society, and because of their outward performance, it looks like they’re following God and respect God and do God’s Will, but they don’t. They just use their position or their outer activities in the religious domain to boast or to feel proud, to feel that they’re holy, they’re faithful, they’re good. These are the people who will be caught by maya, because they know you. They can read your mind like you can see your palm, and they’ll drag you down. So you have only two choices: join them to be a wicked demon, maya sub-servant, or go to hell.

Photo Caption: All Beings Enjoy Their Favorite

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