
Mystic Letters, Ṭ. H. - From the Holy Qur’an, Part 2 of 2

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Sūra 20 : Ṭā-Hā. Section 4

“We sent an inspiration To Moses: ‘Travel by night With My servants, and strike A dry path for them Through the sea, without fear Of being overtaken (by Pharaoh) And without (any other) fear.’ Then Pharaoh pursued them With his forces, but The waters completely overwhelmed Them and covered them up.

Pharaoh led his people astray Instead of leading them aright. O ye Children of Israel! We delivered you from Your enemy, and We Made a Covenant with you […]. (Saying): ‘Eat of the good Things We have provided For your sustenance, but Commit no excess therein, Lest My Wrath should justly Descend on you: and those On whom descends My Wrath Do perish indeed! But, without doubt, I am (Also) He that forgives Again and again, to those Who repent, believe, And do right, who, In fine, are ready to receive True guidance. […]’”

Sūra 20 : Ṭā-Hā. Section 6

“They ask thee concerning The Mountains: say, ‘My Lord Will uproot them and scatter Them as dust; He will leave them as plains Smooth and level; Nothing crooked or curved Will thou see in their place.’ On that Day, will they follow The Caller (straight): no crookedness (Can they show) him: all sounds Shall humble themselves in The Presence of (God) Most Gracious: Nothing shall thou hear But the tramp of their feet (As they march). On that Day shall no Intercession avail Except for those for whom Permission has been granted By (God) Most Gracious And whose word is Acceptable to Him.

He knows what (appears To His creatures as) before Or after or behind them: But they shall not compass it With their knowledge. (All) faces shall be humbled Before (Him) – the Living, The Self-Subsisting, Eternal: Hopeless indeed will be The man that carries Iniquity (on his back). But he who works deeds Of righteousness, and has faith, Will have no fear of harm Nor of any curtailment (Of what is his due).

Thus have We sent this Down – an Arabic Qur-ān – And explained therein in detail Some of the warnings, In order that they may Fear God, or that it may Cause their remembrance (of Him). High above all is God, The King, the Truth! Be not in haste With the Qur-ān before Its revelation to thee Is completed, but say, ‘O my Lord! advance me In knowledge. […]’”
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