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Welcome to Part 1 of our seven-part series on the Climate Crisis, featuring the illuminating documentary, “Countdown to Year Zero.” “We have been living in this system of normalized violence and we've been killing animals at such a fast pace. I mean, we kill more animals in four to 12 hours than all the humans that ever died in wars throughout human history put together.” “If you look at the World Wildlife Fund “living Planet Report,” it gives you the statistics that tell you very clearly, we have to change by 2026, otherwise, we are in big trouble. Death and extinction. This is a very serious issue. It's something that we have never ever faced before as humanity. We have been living in this system of normalized violence and we’ve been killing animals at such a fast pace.” “It takes eight pounds of grain to produce one pund of beef. We could stop destroying the forest. We could end world hunger, human world hunger, by giving that food directly to starving children. And we could save all these animals, and we could stop climate change if we just changed our diets.”