Українська Мова

Співчуття до аулаських (в’єтнамських) біженців, які прагнуть Дому, частина 4 із 5

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I believe that some of the leaders have higher ideals to serve the country and to work out something for the people. But it’s not possible to work in such an atmosphere when nobody supports you, only a handful. And the rest criticize and pick on every little pimple that you have on your face. And don’t give you any chance. I feel sorry for the political leaders sometimes. […] Truly, it’s difficult to be honest and sincere in this world, even for us. We want nothing, and we only want to put all our property out to help. Even then, nobody believes us. And if they do, they want to get 90% out of it first, and then leave you 10% to work for a big humanitarian project. […] You cannot go on bribing people or even presenting gifts because people’s greed is limitless. […]

For all the money we give to donations, I could have bought a private airplane and fly at ease already. Didn’t have to endure all the smoking and all that for a long time. We give out millions. You can buy a private airplane for US$700,000 only, or US$500,000 even. Sometimes less. Less. And then would fly pretty. It would be better. But just because we don’t think about ourselves, we think about other people. That’s why we’re in trouble. […]

In case you have refugee relatives, you let them know that we do care. It’s just that the world, the bureaucracy, the red tape, the political leader brokers make trouble. And also because we are a spiritual organization, we don’t have as much money as they think we should. We cannot give them as much money as they want. And even if I give it to them, they cannot swallow it. They will have trouble. […] We earn it with sweat, blood and tears. If they use it for their own petty purposes, I’m sure they’d get into deep karmic trouble. They will have more than what they ask for. […]

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