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Trích Tuyển Bài Giảng Của Meister Eckhart ”Lực Lượng Thu Hút Của Thượng Đế” và ”Tự Ngã Thông Truyền Của Thiên Chúa,” Phần 2/2

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The soul has by nature two capacities. The one is intelligence, which may comprehend the Holy Trinity with all its works. The second capacity is Will. Its essential characteristic is to plunge into the Unknown which is God. The Unknown God imparts His impress to the Will. The soul is greater by its love-giving power than by its life-giving power. Thank God, while you are in time, that He brought you out of non-existence to existence, and united you with the Divine Nature. But if the Divine Nature be beyond your comprehension, believe simply in Christ; follow His holy example and remain steadfast.