
سقراط يبين لأريستارخوس كيفية التخلص من الفقر، الجزء 1 من 2‏

قراءة المزيد
Socrates was born in Athens, Greece circa 470 BCE. Many people consider him to be the father of Western philosophy. Others think of Him as an insightful teacher and an enlightened Master. Socrates believed that an individual’s main purpose on Earth is to discover the Truth. He stated that most people focus their lives around their families, careers, and social responsibilities, when, in fact, they should be concerned about the welfare of their souls. With compassion for all life, Socrates followed and promoted a vegetarian diet. Today, we present to you Socrates' philosophy. Socrates Showed Aristarchus How to Get Rid of Poverty. “…Socrates said: ‘Do you observe that they, who live thus idle and at their ease, lead more comfortable lives than others? Do you think them more content, more cheerful, that is to say, more happy than those who employ themselves in any of those manufactures we have mentioned, or in whatever else tends to the utility or convenience of life?’”
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