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Âu Lạc

Trích Kinh Phật Giáo Hòa Hảo, Phần 2/2

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The two words “Hoa Hao” also connote harmony and goodness. It was founded by Prophet Huynh Phu So in 1939. At a young age, Prophet Huynh Phu So went into the sacred mountains of That Son and Ta Lon and studied under a teacher who imparted to him the knowledge and the ability to cure all illnesses. When he emerged from these holy mountains, Prophet Huynh Phu So began to heal people through the use of simple herbs, water, and acupuncture. He also composed six scriptures and hundreds of verses and prose of transcendental values. His style of writing is comprehensive, concise and very appealing, but easy to understand.
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